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“Creativity is the process of bringing something new to existence”                                                                                 Ecstasy.” – Rollo May,  The Courage to Create  We have heard the word “Creative” all our life. Whether in school, college, family gatherings or at work. People have always judged us and tagged us with either being, “creative or not creative”. Have you noticed in your personal life that some people are recognized and listened to more than others? Or have you been on the receiving end where in your friend or colleague is most sought after rather than you?  I am sure you have asked these questions to yourself and you’re always left with unsatisfied answers. Creativity is new and unique ideas; makes connections with previously unrelated notions; is not afraid to use unorthodox methods; is seen as original and meaningful thoughts or ideas. Creativity has set us apart from all other form of life that exists. It’s this ability of mankind
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Communication is derived from the Latin word Communicare (to share) Exchange of information between two entities is what we understand communication as. Everything that has existed, exists or will exist communicates. Our existence relies on communication. Where does communication start? It starts with in ourselves. Each of the cells in our body communicates at a very large and un-quantifiable level.  Communication has played the most vital role in cornicing us to what we are today. Noam Chomsky , a prominent proponent of discontinuity theory, argues that a single chance mutation occurred in one individual in the order of 100,000 years ago, instantaneously installing the language faculty (a component of the  mind-brain ) in "perfect" or "near-perfect" form. Thus helping us to evolve at a higher rate. Around 3000 BCE we were using cuneiforms (Capsule) as form of written communication which was a pictorial representation. Let’s look at a brief history of our

We Speak of Darkness

We speak of darkness as we speak of light we speak of darkness as if it arises and radiates like light, forgetting as cold is the mere absence of warmth dark is the mere absence of light and in creating walls of prejudice roofs of fear windows of hate doors of ignorance we breed the idea that darkness has a protective glow of its own not realizing it is merely feeding off the maggots of our own ego

Brutality on Women

Its been a long time since something motivated me to write!!!! I would call it to be unfortunate that I even have to think something of the following sought. The world media has been highlighting the cruelty which Indian women faces in India.I am sure everybody has strong opinions about the recent rape brutalities which has come across the global media. It is pretty much a reality that every 20 minutes in India a girl gets raped. What upsets me the most is, that even a 4 year old child is also not spared. Where doe this all come from, what is that which makes a man commit something of this nature which cannot be committed by any animal or creature. who needs to be blamed for such heinous crimes. People are fighting against the government, but is that enough?? does the government has a solution for this brutality? I don't think so. For those of you who hail from India you would understand where this all come from, but for those of you who lives in a different society this will

Life and Time

Life and time are really strange; they both have a connection which shows us many things. For the first time I have understood that time can give you so much, only if u can give yourself some time. When I was busy with life in terms of office and home I was not happy. There was something which I felt was missing. It was just a feeling without even knowing what it was. I met with an accident a few weeks back and that gave me some quality time to myself. During this period my time bought so many changes in my life, it gave me new friends , surprisingly they were the same people whom I knew but was never able to build strong relation and then I realized if we have time then we have realtions. Initially I was cribbing why the accident, but only later I realized how it helped me. I feel good ….. J Life is beautiful, just that it has its own ways of making us realize that it cares for us…. So friends whatever happen don’t just conclude your life WILL throw surprises…Cheers!!!


We have been living life without even knowing why, we eat coz we know we will die if we don’t, we work coz we know without working we won’t make a living, we know without sleeping we will be tired. So when every action of a man has reason, then why don’t we know the reason of our life? Nothing exists for no reason, nothing happens for no reason.   So why is it that we don’t know why we exist?   I believe it’s this reason we are living to know why we are here, few of us take that initiative to understand and few of us live without even asking this question. I also believe that this the toughest answer to seek, and who so ever has the answer are in history or will be in history. Only these people will be remembered when we are long gone. This also brings another question to my mind, is there actually a reason or we have to make a reason. All those men and women who are living through centuries for what they have achieved, did they knew the reason they are or were here or is it they r

Installing Husband

One of the funniest mail I ever recieved...... INSTALLING HUSBAND!  A woman writes to the IT Technical support..... Dear  Tech Support  , Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0  to  Husband 1.0 and I noticed a  distinct slowdown  in the overall system performance, particularly in the  flower and jewellery applications , which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.  In addition,  Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5  and  Personal Attention 6.5  , and then installed undesirable programs such as  NEWS 5.0 , MONEY 3.0  and  CRICKET 4.1.   Conversation 8.0  no longer runs, and  Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. Please note that I have tried running  Nagging 5.3  to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do? Signed, _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _______     REPLY    DEAR Madam  , First, keep in mind,  Boyfriend 5.0  is an Entertainment Package, while  Husband 1.0  is an op